I know that many times in my life, I fail to heed the advice of this verse. We all as humans like to get our own way. It is in our carnal nature. But as believers we are commanded to take heed of our actions as they relate to other believers and in accordance with God’s Word. But by obeying the principles of love and service shown in the Scriptures we see the God working in the lives of others and are able to discern His will for our own lives.
The secular world does not view life as such. In everything around us, in print, TV and in media we are encouraged to live for ourselves, to take care of # 1, to place our own needs, desires and wants first. By ignoring commandments to serve and place others before us, sin is produced in our daily living. This sin in turn will isolate us from those dear to us who can also help, encourage and uplift us as we live day to day. God did not create us to be isolated; we were created to be independent.
John 13:20 I tell you for certain that anyone who welcomes my messengers also welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.
This scripture explains to us, that when we meet other believers we are actually coming face to face with our Savior. We should have a deep respect, love and humility toward others whose lives have been redeemed by the Lamb. We cannot just go on our merry ways and pretend that we have no responsibility toward our brothers and sisters in Christ. Their welfare is our duty and responsibility
(I Cor. 8:9) But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak.”
This is the attitude and actions of a person who is truly living for the Lord and truly concerned about the seeing others come to Christ. We should all have the attitude….”If it offends my brother, I will not do it, even to the end of the world, I will not offend or cause someone to stumble”, this is an act of service. God will hold us personally responsible for and accountable for our actions toward others. We cannot let our liberty and freedom in our Salvation; cause us to neglect our servant’s responsibility to the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 5:6 Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? What Paul is explaining here that our individual actions are reflected in all believers’ lives, in our homes and in our church. If we sin, it is not in isolation as we sometimes assume. Our sinful actions can bring pain and harm to others.
We have a responsibility to hold ourselves to the standard given to us in God’s Word, living our lives in a way that does not hurt others but uplifts them and encourages them. By denying ourselves we allow God’s Spirit to put to death our carnal inclinations to be self-centered. We will never notice or be aware of the needs of those around us as long as our eyes are focused on ourselves. As we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and free us from our own selfishness , our lives will be released and free to bless our families, friends, church, community, world and most importantly….OURSELVES!
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